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Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber security is a major concern for any business. It is the protection of data, systems and networks against cyber threats.

Cyber breaches have become a reality in today’s world, with companies experiencing an average of 4-6 hacks per second. And while these hacks can be costly, they are also extremely risky as cyber criminals can access sensitive data that could potentially ruin your company’s reputation or even worse, lead to identity theft.

The good news is that there are many ways you can protect yourself from hackers and other cyber threats. In this article, we will discuss Cyber Security Awareness and how it helps protect businesses from cyber attacks. 

What is Cyber Security Awareness?

Cyber security awareness is defined as “the process of informing employees about existing threats and vulnerabilities” (Wikipedia). It involves educating employees about how to use the internet safely, the importance of using strong passwords, protecting devices from malware and viruses, etc.

Why Cyber Security Awareness is Important for Your Business?

There are many reasons why cyber security awareness is important for businesses:

It increases employee awareness – Employees who understand how hackers operate will be able to spot suspicious activity more easily than those who don’t know what they’re looking for.

Staying Ahead with cyber security awareness

In order to stay ahead of cyber criminals, organizations should adopt a security culture by creating an organizational structure that promotes security awareness through training and education programs.

Security awareness training programs can help employees identify suspicious activities, increase their knowledge of current threats and how they can be protected against them. It also helps employees understand the importance of taking precautions when using the internet and social media sites. Cyber security is an ever evolving battle between those who want to protect their data and those who want to steal it.

As business owners we are responsible for protecting our organization from cyber threats. We need to ensure that we are protecting our customers’ data, meeting compliance requirements and protecting our own brand reputation.

Cyber security awareness is a concept that has been around for decades. However, in the past few years, it has become more than just an awareness program. It is now considered a culture and a way of life in organizations across the world.

What is cyber security culture and why it is so important to implement a cyber security culture in your business.

It’s no secret that cyber security is a top priority for today’s businesses. With the increase in data breaches, companies are realizing they need to do more to protect their customers, employees and other stakeholders. This is where a cyber security culture can assist.

A cyber security culture is a set of shared values, beliefs and practices that are adopted by an organization as it seeks to protect itself from cyber threats.

The purpose of a cyber security culture is to ensure that your business has the right mindset to prevent data breaches and other cyber attacks. 

The main aim of a cyber security culture is to build trust and confidence in your business. If you can do this, then your customers will feel safe when dealing with you. They will also be more likely to recommend your products or services to other people.

Cyber Security

What is multifactor authentication and how it can protect your business.

Multifactor Authentication

Companies are increasingly concerned about online security. They are well aware of the dangers of cyber-attacks and the damage they can cause in terms of financial loss and the loss of reputation. Thankfully, many companies have begun to utilize multifactor authentication in a bid to both reduce risk, and protect their employees.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a form of online security that requires two or more forms of identification in order to access an account. It’s typically used by companies to help protect their data and systems. It is when a user is required to provide two (or more) methods of authentication before they can access some or all of their account. This could be something as simple as providing both a password and a security question answer, but it could also be something like using a fingerprint or an app on your phone.

The idea behind MFA is that by requiring two or more factors, it makes it harder for hackers to get access to your account. For example, if you only have a password and someone tries to hack into your account, they could try to guess the password. However, if you also have an app on your phone that requires a fingerprint scan before logging in, then it would make it much harder for them to gain access.

MFA is an effective way to prevent cyber security attacks and data breaches, as it requires hackers to gain access to more than one form of authentication. This makes it much harder for malicious actors to access systems or data without the user’s knowledge.

There are several ways you can use MFA, including: 

  • Email, text message or phone call
  • Authentication apps on your phone
  • Hardware tokens


As more people begin using the internet and social media, there has been a rise in cyber security attacks. This is why it’s so important to use MFA when accessing your accounts. It’s also important to make sure that you have strong passwords and don’t reuse them on other sites or services.

MFA is not a perfect security measure, however. It is possible for hackers to gain access to your phone or computer and use that device to log into your account, even if it requires a fingerprint scan. For this reason, it’s important to keep these devices secure and up-to-date with the latest patches and software updates. In addition, MFA is not a security measure that you can use on its own. It’s important to make sure that your password is strong and unique to each site or service.

The best way to protect yourself from hackers is by using strong passwords, changing them frequently and using two-factor authentication (MFA).  Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your account by requiring both something you know (your password) and something you have (your phone).

The security of your accounts is an important thing to consider. A lot of people have at least one account that stores their passwords. This can be in the form of a spreadsheet, text document or another device. The problem with this practice is that all your passwords are stored in one place, which makes you and your data vulnerable to attackers. Instead of keeping all your passwords in one place, you should use a password manager. A password manager allows you to store all your passwords in one secure location, while still allowing you access to them when needed.

Cyber security Videos Courtesy of the FTC

The question is no longer if it will happen, it’s when it happens will your business be prepared. Will it recover? How will it recover? How long? Do you have a process in place?

When it comes to cyber criminals, no business is 100% protected or off limits. Therefore, the goal should be to make it extremely hard for an intruder to gain access and to be able to recover as quickly as possible.

We at Imyotek understand the importance of Cyber Security Awareness and strongly believe the adoption of a security culture is critical when it comes to protecting company data. It is because of this our Managed Services program is built with a security focus and includes cyber security training. If you are interested in learning more on how our program can help your business, please Contact Us.  

Vendor Security Advisories

Live threat map courtesy of Bitdefender

Cisco Security Updates

See the latest security updates released by Cisco. These updates address vulnerabilities for multiple products.

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